Glenn Habas

Round # Game Score Points Total Points
#1 Godzilla 148,351,550 2 2
#2 James Bond 9,187,340 0 2
#3 Mystic 92,930 0 2
#4 Bone Busters 433,090 1 3
#5 Stranger Things 52,704,830 2 5
#6 Metallica 42,021,920 3 8
#7 High Speed 353,890 0 8
#8 Time Fantasy 240,380 3 11
#9 Batman: The Dark Knight 3,418,410 0 11
#10 El Dorado City of Gold 404,900 3 14
#11 Eight Ball Champ 560,150 3 17
#12 Surf N Safari 30,064,120 3 20
#13 Xenon 332,070 3 23
#14 Congo 195,804,160 2 25
#15 JP: The Lost World 492,860 0 25
#16 Creature From the Black Lagoon 29,300,690 1 26