Player #267 - Danae Stotter

Set Danae as a favorite

Main Best Games
The best 8 games will count toward Danae's point total
Game Score Points
No recorded scores for this division
Classics Best Games
The best 4 games will count toward Danae's point total
Game Score Points
No recorded scores for this division
Womens Best Games
The best 4 games will count toward Danae's point total
Game Score Points
Metallica 8,137,660 72
Abra Ca Dabra 27,090 68
Whirlwind 1,241,820 67
Game of Thrones 10,355,070 63
Jurassic Park Pro 16,862,300 62

Thursday Entries - 1 Available

Friday Entries - 0 Available, 1 Entry in progress

"Friday" Entry In Progress - #334
Game Score Rank* Points*
Contact 47,350 75* 23*
Fashion Show 393 73* 25*
Big Casino 448 78* 20*
Estimated point total at this moment: 68*
All Games
Date/Time Game Score
Apr 19, 5:50pm Metallica 8,137,660
Apr 19, 5:57pm Jurassic Park Pro 16,862,300
Apr 19, 6:01pm Abra Ca Dabra 19,650
Apr 19, 6:05pm Whirlwind 1,241,820
Apr 19, 6:17pm Game of Thrones 10,355,070
Apr 19, 6:21pm Abra Ca Dabra Entry Voided
Apr 19, 6:28pm Abra Ca Dabra Entry Voided
Apr 19, 6:36pm Abra Ca Dabra 27,090
Apr 19, 6:46pm Jurassic Park Pro Entry Voided
Apr 19, 6:50pm Jurassic Park Pro Entry Voided