Jose Villasana

Round # Game Score Points Total Points
#1 Wheel of Fortune 13,486,780 1 1
#2 Metallica Pro 1,070,360 0 1
#3 Sinbad 242,020 3 4
#4 Indiana Jones 188,452,180 3 7
#5 Atlantis 1,174,650 2 9
#6 Godzilla Pro 95,564,300 3 12
#7 Black Rose 10,130,810 3 15
#8 Foo Fighters Pro 25,088,260 0 15
#9 High Speed 2 The Getaway 9,704,560 1 16
#10 Demolition Man 888,409,640 2 18
#11 Toy Story 4 788,930 2 20
#12 Deadpool Pro 6,458,980 0 20
#13 Space Station 1,169,810 1 21
#14 Excalibur 414,360 0 21
#15 Joker Poker 136,650 2 23
#16 Diamond Lady 789,940 1 24
#17 James Bond Pro 5,772,060 1 25