Dustin Goldbarg

Round # Game Score Points Total Points
#1 Whirlwind 5,781,600 3 3
#2 Wheel of Fortune 27,444,570 2 5
#3 Toy Story 4 1,052,250 2 7
#4 Demolition Man 459,508,080 0 7
#5 Diamond Lady 279,500 0 7
#6 Atlantis 387,740 0 7
#7 Batman The Dark Knight 8,012,370 0 7
#8 Cactus Canyon 3,098,340 1 8
#9 Metallica Pro 33,543,840 3 11
#10 Revenge From Mars 25,544,760 2 13
#11 Star Wars Pro 264,121,760 1 14
#12 James Bond Pro 15,471,300 1 15
#13 Deadpool Pro 22,219,400 1 16
#14 High Speed 2 The Getaway 53,746,930 3 19
#15 Stars 441,710 3 22
#16 Whirlwind 8,411,450 3 25
#17 Monster Bash 11,679,970 3 28