Rob Mullner

Round # Game Score Points Total Points
#1 Star Wars Pro 104,801,380 0 0
#2 Mystic 107,160 2 2
#3 Terminator 3 10,248,380 0 2
#4 Atlantis 607,840 2 4
#5 Wheel of Fortune 8,215,880 0 4
#6 High Speed 2 The Getaway 22,571,020 1 5
#7 Monster Bash 16,780,940 3 8
#8 Demolition Man 109,727,170 1 9
#9 Road Kings 368,730 2 11
#10 Iron Man 15,745,330 2 13
#11 Whirlwind 1,137,930 0 13
#12 Diamond Lady 589,150 3 16
#13 Cactus Canyon 13,837,820 3 19
#14 Metallica Pro 3,473,410 1 20
#15 Hoops 1,010,040 2 22
#16 Harley Davidson 800,430 0 22
#17 Joker Poker 237,980 3 25