Laura Stoddard

Round # Game Score Points Total Points
#1 Atlantis 389,210 2 2
#2 High Speed 2 The Getaway 44,515,890 2 4
#3 Monster Bash 20,085,320 2 6
#4 Hoops 2,010,800 0 6
#5 Batman The Dark Knight 12,468,630 2 8
#6 Iron Man 115,000,000 3 11
#7 Road Kings 745,870 3 14
#8 Whirlwind 1,045,670 0 14
#9 Stars 81,350 1 15
#10 James Bond Pro 3,209,240 0 15
#11 Revenge From Mars 10,196,330 0 15
#12 Black Rose 1,338,330 0 15
#13 Star Wars Pro 125,496,390 3 18
#14 Wheel of Fortune 6,856,500 0 18
#15 Space Station 1,023,900 1 19
#16 Excalibur 559,690 1 20
#17 Godzilla Pro 82,746,690 2 22