Tom Isaak

Round # Game Score Points Total Points
#1 Godzilla Pro 100,864,620 2 2
#2 Freddy 120,154,170 3 5
#3 Foo Fighters Pro 41,334,810 3 8
#4 Revenge From Mars 34,381,540 3 11
#5 Excalibur 1,376,600 2 13
#6 Star Wars Pro 71,522,070 0 13
#7 Wheel of Fortune 27,162,970 1 14
#8 Atlantis 783,040 2 16
#9 Twilight Zone 68,799,530 0 16
#10 Demolition Man 1,057,159,000 3 19
#11 Batman The Dark Knight 40,130,810 2 21
#12 Road Kings 209,320 1 22
#13 Monster Bash 412,000 0 22
#14 Joker Poker 116,520 1 23
#15 Iron Man 10,785,350 1 24
#16 High Speed 2 The Getaway 9,813,240 0 24
#17 Mystic 122,410 2 26