Germain Mariolle

Round # Game Score Points Total Points
#1 Stars 133,080 1 1
#2 Godzilla Pro 432,669,580 2 3
#3 James Bond Pro 52,000,000 2 5
#4 Batman The Dark Knight 6,608,020 2 7
#5 Atlantis 1,060,810 1 8
#6 Iron Man 6,501,000 1 9
#7 Sinbad 152,510 0 9
#8 Toy Story 4 2,403,750 3 12
#9 Hoops 7,532,060 3 15
#10 Cactus Canyon 12,507,520 1 16
#11 Monster Bash 168,312,310 3 19
#12 Star Wars Pro 172,000,000 0 19
#13 Space Station 2,499,590 3 22
#14 Joker Poker 157,370 2 24
#15 High Speed 2 The Getaway 29,280,000 0 24
#16 Demolition Man 3,499,685,000 3 27
#17 Excalibur 2,621,380 3 30