Matt Young

Round # Game Score Points Total Points
#1 Road Kings 255,360 2 2
#2 Diamond Lady 574,590 2 4
#3 Atlantis 664,020 2 6
#4 Demolition Man 1,282,023,610 3 9
#5 Excalibur 473,480 1 10
#6 Twilight Zone 91,421,120 1 11
#7 Toy Story 4 960,840 3 14
#8 Whirlwind 1,442,550 1 15
#9 High Speed 2 The Getaway 50,686,400 3 18
#10 Hoops 1,230,980 1 19
#11 Batman The Dark Knight 5,206,470 0 19
#12 Indiana Jones 41,686,760 1 20
#13 Space Station 485,180 0 20
#14 Godzilla Pro 16,694,890 0 20
#15 Stars 139,100 2 22
#16 Terminator 3 38,924,070 2 24
#17 Iron Man 6,858,950 1 25