Mark Bandong

Round # Game Score Points Total Points
#1 Toy Story 4 287,850 3 3
#2 Metallica Pro 115,978,460 3 6
#3 Toy Story 4 2,910,170 3 9
#4 Iron Man 18,781,170 2 11
#5 Demolition Man 94,406,130 0 11
#6 Space Station 1,909,270 1 12
#7 Foo Fighters Pro 9,882,290 0 12
#8 Harley Davidson 5,916,080 2 14
#9 Star Wars Pro 445,072,530 1 15
#10 High Speed 2 The Getaway 29,291,630 1 16
#11 Mystic 71,860 2 18
#12 Terminator 3 24,871,540 1 19
#13 Road Kings 341,520 2 21
#14 Revenge From Mars 27,218,870 1 22
#15 Batman The Dark Knight 26,844,100 1 23
#16 Cyclone 2,078,230 3 26
#17 Deadpool Pro 15,630,530 1 27