Michael Kostolnik

Round # Game Score Points Total Points
#1 Demolition Man 475,429,330 3 3
#2 Stars 113,960 1 4
#3 Toy Story 4 404,910 0 4
#4 Metallica Pro 34,705,170 3 7
#5 Batman The Dark Knight 71,315,520 3 10
#6 Star Wars Pro 167,046,860 1 11
#7 Diamond Lady 7,552,930 3 14
#8 Road Kings 185,590 1 15
#9 Meteor 147,350 0 15
#10 Cactus Canyon 4,987,290 0 15
#11 Revenge From Mars 44,198,590 2 17
#12 Twilight Zone 100,364,290 0 17
#13 Harley Davidson 2,936,440 1 18
#14 Wheel of Fortune 13,875,290 2 20
#15 Hoops 1,965,480 3 23
#16 Cyclone 1,490,560 1 24
#17 James Bond Pro 31,949,160 2 26