Nic Stein

Round # Game Score Points Total Points
#1 Foo Fighters Pro 209,683,450 3 3
#2 Excalibur 13,623,620 3 6
#3 Mystic 57,810 0 6
#4 Monster Bash 6,376,410 1 7
#5 Batman The Dark Knight 5,649,430 1 8
#6 Godzilla Pro 30,137,660 0 8
#7 Harley Davidson 1,654,280 2 10
#8 Deadpool Pro 166,918,900 3 13
#9 Star Wars Pro 457,626,930 2 15
#10 Cactus Canyon 12,995,280 2 17
#11 Cyclone 2,865,570 3 20
#12 Space Station 1,323,750 1 21
#13 Toy Story 4 1,887,760 3 24
#14 Terminator 3 118,442,080 2 26
#15 Wheel of Fortune 6,938,300 0 26
#16 Freddy 172,740,350 3 29
#17 Indiana Jones 24,831,210 0 29