CC Castaneda

Round # Game Score Points Total Points
#1 Hoops 596,770 0 0
#2 Road Kings 113,030 1 1
#3 Cactus Canyon 4,075,170 0 1
#4 Stars 108,830 3 4
#5 Black Rose 431,440 0 4
#6 Cyclone 825,160 2 6
#7 Excalibur 283,270 0 6
#8 Wheel of Fortune 9,890,110 2 8
#9 Metallica Pro 4,813,380 2 10
#10 Diamond Lady 264,080 1 11
#11 Harley Davidson 2,453,200 3 14
#12 Monster Bash 2,032,140 1 15
#13 Star Wars Pro 20,239,920 0 15
#14 Mystic 83,580 1 16
#15 Terminator 3 10,718,860 2 18
#16 Batman The Dark Knight 9,852,280 2 20
#17 Toy Story 4 335,490 3 23