Player #59 - Pete Hendricks

Set Pete as a favorite

Main Best Games
The best 8 games will count toward Pete's point total
Game Score Points
Elton John 2 182,280,880 100
Beatles 6,421,150 97
Eight Ball 342,470 94
Flash Gordon 905,950 84
Rolling Stones 342,420 82
Pulp Fiction 950,490 75
Game of Thrones 347,280,760 74
Surf Champ 75,350 72
Black Knight Sword of Rage 104,637,090 70
Labyrinth 6,226,200 66
James Bond 60 10,636 65
Jaws 198,911,830 54
Metallica 23,667,730 46
Harlem Globetrotters 359,770 44
John Wick 16,858,740 36
# of used entries: 45
# of available entries: 955