Player #289 - Xyren Silvers

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Main Best Games
The best 12 games will count toward Xyren's point total
Game Score Points
Supersonic 701,800 190
NBA Fastbreak 149 190
Car Hop 12,714,360 184
Lethal Weapon 3 209,444,410 183
Car Hop 12,461,120 183
Munsters 51,464,400 176
Supersonic 307,960 174
Bow and Arrow 114,700 169
Gold Wings 2,658,160 168
Munsters 25,284,700 162
Transporter the Rescue 2,354,880 139
Lethal Weapon 3 54,404,790 129
Pulp Fiction 447,690 123
Deadpool 35,366,760 87
NBA Fastbreak 25 36
Transporter the Rescue 1,043,100 34
Eight Ball Deluxe 330,830 11
Transporter the Rescue 724,050
Viking 15,510
Eight Ball Deluxe 263,560
Bow and Arrow 16,340
Bow and Arrow 10,250
# of used entries: 24
# of available entries: 0