Player #279 - Tom Walsh

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Main Best Games
The best 12 games will count toward Tom's point total
Game Score Points
Deadpool 226,590,860 180
Bow and Arrow 106,840 165
Bow and Arrow 104,630 163
Firepower II 593,230 147
Pulp Fiction 515,040 137
Munsters 13,828,630 136
Firepower II 432,210 127
Deadpool 60,233,470 115
Pulp Fiction 229,818 81
Munsters 6,325,660 77
Eight Ball Deluxe 481,650 75
World Cup Soccer 348,302,390 72
Eight Ball Deluxe 368,500 39
Supersonic 93,410 36
Supersonic 60,520 2
Eight Ball Deluxe 251,530
Viking 70,440
Viking 51,560
# of used entries: 24
# of available entries: 0