Player #274 - Stephen Donaldson

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Main Best Games
The best 12 games will count toward Stephen's point total
Game Score Points
Car Hop 10,791,570 178
World Cup Soccer 957,823,810 168
Pulp Fiction 893,670 160
World Cup Soccer 838,693,770 159
Lethal Weapon 3 84,955,750 155
Lethal Weapon 3 79,026,820 152
Car Hop 5,783,210 137
Pulp Fiction 512,670 136
Transporter the Rescue 1,747,170 102
Deadpool 37,902,610 91
Deadpool 25,371,160 68
Supersonic 103,280 48
Munsters 4,728,970 48
Supersonic 66,080 9
Gold Wings 328,290 1
Transporter the Rescue 420,030
Viking 63,800
Eight Ball Deluxe 213,000
Eight Ball Deluxe 210,240
Bow and Arrow 12,180
# of used entries: 24
# of available entries: 0