Player #260 - Sagel Frazier

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Main Best Games
The best 12 games will count toward Sagel's point total
Game Score Points
NBA Fastbreak 99 184
Firepower II 1,575,530 183
Transporter the Rescue 6,961,520 177
Deadpool 188,308,620 175
Deadpool 178,332,940 174
Lethal Weapon 3 105,125,420 165
Lethal Weapon 3 86,106,390 159
Pulp Fiction 609,240 147
Gold Wings 925,620 105
World Cup Soccer 467,285,140 100
Munsters 7,292,820 88
Munsters 6,937,290 87
NBA Fastbreak 29 68
Pulp Fiction 154,140 36
World Cup Soccer 205,512,110 21
Transporter the Rescue 812,080 11
Eight Ball Deluxe 329,590 9
World Cup Soccer 0
Pulp Fiction 0
NBA Fastbreak 15
Car Hop 1,148,270
NBA Fastbreak 18
Pulp Fiction 101,400
# of used entries: 24
# of available entries: 0