Player #248 - Noah Sicard

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Main Best Games
The best 12 games will count toward Noah's point total
Game Score Points
Transporter the Rescue 9,911,130 200
Eight Ball Deluxe 1,387,570 180
Viking 477,220 173
Firepower II 927,540 170
Viking 291,220 154
Supersonic 206,040 140
Bow and Arrow 75,720 133
Supersonic 187,490 123
Firepower II 409,270 122
Transporter the Rescue 1,907,900 115
Gold Wings 748,730 80
Eight Ball Deluxe 435,180 61
Bow and Arrow 39,080 16
Bow and Arrow 21,130
Deadpool 6,352,930 0
# of used entries: 24
# of available entries: 0