Player #241 - Misha Alexeeff

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Main Best Games
The best 12 games will count toward Misha's point total
Game Score Points
Bow and Arrow 95,710 158
Supersonic 236,070 154
Bow and Arrow 83,100 149
Lethal Weapon 3 69,201,660 146
Viking 236,640 139
Lethal Weapon 3 56,107,370 130
Viking 133,380 70
Eight Ball Deluxe 449,150 68
Supersonic 114,850 58
Eight Ball Deluxe 413,090 55
Pulp Fiction 171,420 50
NBA Fastbreak 26 44
Pulp Fiction 153,700 35
Munsters 3,413,280 30
Transporter the Rescue 914,120 21
Car Hop 1,579,300 11
Firepower II 134,110 9
Car Hop 1,142,330
Transporter the Rescue 452,040
Firepower II 50,820
# of used entries: 24
# of available entries: 0