Player #224 - Matt Rowbottom

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Main Best Games
The best 12 games will count toward Matt's point total
Game Score Points
Lethal Weapon 3 227,341,410 185
Transporter the Rescue 7,801,510 184
Viking 435,790 170
Lethal Weapon 3 114,748,110 169
NBA Fastbreak 69 166
NBA Fastbreak 64 157
Viking 255,460 148
Transporter the Rescue 2,479,990 145
Supersonic 205,390 139
Munsters 9,996,780 114
Gold Wings 954,750 106
Pulp Fiction 290,220 97
Deadpool 34,516,690 85
Firepower II 253,200 73
Bow and Arrow 53,540 68
Pulp Fiction 193,290 67
Deadpool 17,641,090 43
Car Hop 2,161,180 26
Bow and Arrow 35,360 5
Deadpool 6,425,130
Eight Ball Deluxe 274,560
Bow and Arrow 21,500
Eight Ball Deluxe 247,000
Supersonic 34,680
# of used entries: 24
# of available entries: 0