Player #214 - Leslie Ruckman

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Main Best Games
The best 12 games will count toward Leslie's point total
Game Score Points
Firepower II 1,761,440 190
Firepower II 1,366,850 180
Supersonic 402,020 179
Transporter the Rescue 5,713,070 174
Transporter the Rescue 3,864,210 169
Eight Ball Deluxe 983,150 161
Car Hop 7,584,450 160
Gold Wings 2,138,970 156
Pulp Fiction 669,670 150
Gold Wings 1,609,030 144
Supersonic 212,090 144
Deadpool 83,479,400 140
Pulp Fiction 458,440 128
Car Hop 4,440,210 113
NBA Fastbreak 32 80
World Cup Soccer 332,294,970 67
Lethal Weapon 3 20,428,960 52
Bow and Arrow 45,510 47
Eight Ball Deluxe 225,000
Eight Ball Deluxe 282,740
Car Hop 0
Car Hop 0
# of used entries: 24
# of available entries: 0