Player #191 - Joe Madia

Set Joe as a favorite

Main Best Games
The best 12 games will count toward Joe's point total
Game Score Points
Deadpool 265,431,470 182
World Cup Soccer 1,136,290,520 176
Pulp Fiction 1,298,920 173
Bow and Arrow 81,920 143
Munsters 15,334,740 142
Supersonic 181,770 119
Pulp Fiction 363,050 114
Supersonic 173,960 114
Bow and Arrow 56,840 82
World Cup Soccer 290,032,990 52
Viking 100,020 27
Viking 98,920 26
Eight Ball Deluxe 265,710
Eight Ball Deluxe 127,090
# of used entries: 24
# of available entries: 0