Player #189 - Jessica Barron

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Main Best Games
The best 12 games will count toward Jessica's point total
Game Score Points
Deadpool 422,088,410 190
Gold Wings 5,849,100 182
World Cup Soccer 694,462,760 142
NBA Fastbreak 52 135
Bow and Arrow 76,160 135
Deadpool 68,774,090 126
World Cup Soccer 521,207,550 111
Gold Wings 1,017,170 111
Bow and Arrow 59,470 91
Eight Ball Deluxe 515,650 81
Pulp Fiction 220,620 77
Supersonic 114,380 57
Car Hop 2,754,090 53
Transporter the Rescue 1,146,060 49
Car Hop 1,400,300 4
Viking 83,380 0
Viking 69,930
Viking 25,100
Eight Ball Deluxe 218,090
Lethal Weapon 3 6,450,830 0
NBA Fastbreak 11
# of used entries: 24
# of available entries: 0