Player #173 - Gregory Nelson

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Main Best Games
The best 12 games will count toward Gregory's point total
Game Score Points
World Cup Soccer 1,287,095,120 180
Gold Wings 1,539,610 141
Car Hop 5,020,510 131
Viking 211,390 130
Pulp Fiction 274,830 89
Deadpool 33,744,600 84
Lethal Weapon 3 21,875,660 56
Munsters 4,275,520 41
Lethal Weapon 3 13,893,810 32
Gold Wings 445,700 29
Supersonic 89,070 29
Transporter the Rescue 993,170 26
Eight Ball Deluxe 341,270 21
NBA Fastbreak 21 19
Deadpool 9,695,420 15
World Cup Soccer 193,079,150 13
Bow and Arrow 36,650 9
NBA Fastbreak 17 3
Pulp Fiction 43,840
Supersonic 11,310
Eight Ball Deluxe 282,530
Munsters 719,420
Viking 20,580
# of used entries: 24
# of available entries: 0