Player #162 - Dustin Goldbarg

Set Dustin as a favorite

Main Best Games
The best 12 games will count toward Dustin's point total
Game Score Points
Deadpool 321,159,130 183
Lethal Weapon 3 183,227,150 180
Transporter the Rescue 7,075,970 179
Transporter the Rescue 7,060,950 178
Munsters 42,749,960 173
Munsters 39,448,780 172
Eight Ball Deluxe 1,081,000 171
Lethal Weapon 3 115,091,550 170
Pulp Fiction 956,820 164
World Cup Soccer 870,082,020 162
Pulp Fiction 665,050 149
Deadpool 73,983,470 133
World Cup Soccer 525,543,340 113
Firepower II 250,410 72
Car Hop 2,954,720 65
NBA Fastbreak 25 36
Supersonic 81,350 22
Gold Wings 359,820 11
NBA Fastbreak 17 3
Bow and Arrow 30,580
# of used entries: 24
# of available entries: 0