Player #160 - Donovan Haga

Set Donovan as a favorite

Main Best Games
The best 12 games will count toward Donovan's point total
Game Score Points
World Cup Soccer 679,506,870 140
Pulp Fiction 532,830 139
Deadpool 60,895,130 117
Viking 189,580 117
Supersonic 172,780 110
NBA Fastbreak 41 107
Firepower II 351,460 105
Munsters 9,053,990 104
Lethal Weapon 3 38,205,580 103
Gold Wings 890,330 102
Transporter the Rescue 1,685,220 98
Viking 152,220 86
Lethal Weapon 3 27,490,270 77
Deadpool 23,274,350 64
Eight Ball Deluxe 389,000 45
Eight Ball Deluxe 375,710 41
NBA Fastbreak 24 32
Bow and Arrow 39,520 19
Gold Wings 348,870 9
NBA Fastbreak 23
Bow and Arrow 17,940
Bow and Arrow 23,280
Deadpool 11,129,640
# of used entries: 24
# of available entries: 0