Player #146 - Daniel Trobare

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Main Best Games
The best 12 games will count toward Daniel's point total
Game Score Points
Deadpool 172,612,330 171
Bow and Arrow 91,360 156
Deadpool 101,674,130 148
Firepower II 495,890 137
World Cup Soccer 608,181,800 132
Transporter the Rescue 1,864,330 111
Viking 164,610 97
Transporter the Rescue 1,564,870 87
Pulp Fiction 196,260 68
Munsters 5,464,450 64
Firepower II 231,440 63
Munsters 4,986,220 53
Supersonic 102,080 47
Supersonic 91,050 32
Gold Wings 370,050 13
Bow and Arrow 35,660 7
Viking 13,620
Viking 69,080
Supersonic 81,890
Eight Ball Deluxe 291,830
Bow and Arrow 33,050
Bow and Arrow 29,300
# of used entries: 24
# of available entries: 0