Player #142 - Corbin Sheffels

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Main Best Games
The best 12 games will count toward Corbin's point total
Game Score Points
Firepower II 1,308,330 178
NBA Fastbreak 71 171
Transporter the Rescue 3,295,690 166
Firepower II 745,580 164
Pulp Fiction 730,470 152
World Cup Soccer 648,606,100 138
Gold Wings 1,280,620 126
Transporter the Rescue 1,887,210 113
World Cup Soccer 512,012,520 108
NBA Fastbreak 41 107
Gold Wings 846,430 94
Pulp Fiction 241,210 85
Supersonic 130,180 69
Viking 122,730 57
Munsters 3,703,460 35
Car Hop 2,192,180 29
Lethal Weapon 3 11,451,450 22
Viking 67,500
Viking 67,190
Eight Ball Deluxe 137,560
# of used entries: 24
# of available entries: 0