Player #141 - Conrad Rustad

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Main Best Games
The best 12 games will count toward Conrad's point total
Game Score Points
Viking 621,510 181
Lethal Weapon 3 191,293,820 181
Viking 542,990 178
Bow and Arrow 138,820 178
Supersonic 327,990 177
Firepower II 1,021,590 173
Deadpool 116,563,410 157
Gold Wings 2,144,580 157
Car Hop 6,609,180 154
Firepower II 465,390 131
Bow and Arrow 71,120 124
Pulp Fiction 317,750 107
Deadpool 44,968,690 98
Lethal Weapon 3 27,078,070 75
Supersonic 128,280 66
Car Hop 2,740,360 52
NBA Fastbreak 26 44
World Cup Soccer 250,540,560 36
Eight Ball Deluxe 357,000 35
NBA Fastbreak 21 19
Munsters 1,384,710 2
Eight Ball Deluxe 212,500
Deadpool 42,525,770
# of used entries: 24
# of available entries: 0