Player #137 - Cindy Grote

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Main Best Games
The best 12 games will count toward Cindy's point total
Game Score Points
Munsters 66,216,850 181
Car Hop 7,409,240 159
Car Hop 6,570,810 152
Bow and Arrow 71,140 125
Gold Wings 810,990 89
Bow and Arrow 56,810 81
Deadpool 26,690,410 73
World Cup Soccer 318,584,400 61
NBA Fastbreak 28 60
Gold Wings 573,020 58
Eight Ball Deluxe 410,060 54
Deadpool 18,467,210 46
Transporter the Rescue 1,078,070 40
Pulp Fiction 132,960 23
Munsters 1,484,110 4
Firepower II 107,800 2
World Cup Soccer 143,480,770
Viking 46,670
Supersonic 17,290
Eight Ball Deluxe 194,680
Viking 48,450
NBA Fastbreak 10
# of used entries: 24
# of available entries: 0