Player #129 - Chloe LeGrow

Set Chloe as a favorite

Main Best Games
The best 12 games will count toward Chloe's point total
Game Score Points
Transporter the Rescue 3,155,200 160
Viking 165,480 99
Supersonic 159,080 96
Firepower II 259,380 78
Bow and Arrow 55,540 76
Transporter the Rescue 1,376,670 72
Bow and Arrow 48,900 60
Supersonic 113,410 54
Pulp Fiction 171,890 52
NBA Fastbreak 23 28
Car Hop 2,164,180 27
Car Hop 1,864,360 20
NBA Fastbreak 21 19
Lethal Weapon 3 9,234,410 10
Gold Wings 328,690 2
NBA Fastbreak 8
Viking 64,810
Viking 69,900
Viking 26,340
Eight Ball Deluxe 78,000
# of used entries: 24
# of available entries: 0