Player #164 - Andrei Massenkoff

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Main Best Games
The best 6 games will count toward Andrei's point total
Game Score Points
Metallica 327,138,630 100
Flintstones 1,618,658,790 100
Foo Fighters 613,161,690 97
Congo 2,183,641,740 97
Rick & Morty 15,151,203 95
Batman 66 1,624,301,640 95
Black Rose 263,439,440 95
Iron Maiden 323,519,260 88
TX-Sector 3,552,320 87
Jurassic Park 180,025,440 82
Excalibur 2,170,200 62
# of used entries: 34
# of available entries: 966
Classics Best Games
The best 4 games will count toward Andrei's point total
Game Score Points
No recorded scores for this division