Player #214 - Shannon Miles

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Shannon has 24 available entries

Main Best Games
The best 6 games will count toward Shannon's point total
Game Score Points
Dirty Harry 217,009,020 35
Black Knight: Sword of Rage 16,588,930 30
Terminator 2 11,397,920 25
Galaxy 129,240 2
Eight Ball Deluxe 272,030 0
Womens Best Games
The best 4 games will count toward Shannon's point total
Game Score Points
No recorded scores for this division
Classics Best Games
The best 4 games will count toward Shannon's point total
Game Score Points
Evel Knievel 113,810 69
Dragonfist 264,210 53
Sharp Shooter II 143,500 52
Stars 90,070 46
Cherry Bell 201,300 10
All Games
Date/Time Game Score
Aug 18, 11:13pm Dragonfist 198,020
Aug 18, 11:25pm Sharp Shooter II 23,230
Aug 18, 11:36pm Stars 86,430
Aug 18, 11:50pm Black Knight: Sword of Rage 4,479,900
Aug 19, 12:10pm Black Knight: Sword of Rage 16,588,930
Aug 19, 12:31pm Terminator 2 11,397,920
Aug 19, 12:44pm Galaxy 129,240
Aug 19, 12:48pm Eight Ball Deluxe 146,060
Aug 19, 1:00pm Eight Ball Deluxe 272,030
Aug 19, 1:21pm Evel Knievel 48,050
Aug 19, 1:36pm Stars 90,070
Aug 19, 2:05pm Dirty Harry 217,009,020
Aug 19, 4:22pm Sharp Shooter II Entry Voided
Aug 19, 4:41pm Cherry Bell 201,300
Aug 19, 4:59pm Evel Knievel 113,810
Aug 19, 5:10pm Dragonfist Entry Voided
Aug 19, 5:20pm Dragonfist 264,210
Aug 19, 5:29pm Sharp Shooter II 143,500
Aug 19, 5:45pm Stars Entry Voided
Aug 19, 5:50pm Dragonfist Entry Voided
Aug 19, 5:59pm Stars Entry Voided