Player #205 - Scott Burgess

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Scott has 5 available entries

Main Best Games
The best 6 games will count toward Scott's point total
Game Score Points
Black Knight 785,410 92
Terminator 2 171,927,040 90
Black Knight: Sword of Rage 89,660,330 71
Galaxy 342,550 53
Dirty Harry 239,475,980 44
Fish Tales 18,707,630 10
Eight Ball Deluxe 356,650 6
Tag Team 201,970 0
Womens Best Games
The best 4 games will count toward Scott's point total
Game Score Points
No recorded scores for this division
Classics Best Games
The best 4 games will count toward Scott's point total
Game Score Points
Evel Knievel 168,520 89
Dragonfist 654,170 86
Sharp Shooter II 175,100 58
Stars 77,640 38
Cherry Bell 231,000 11
All Games
Date/Time Game Score
Aug 18, 8:27pm Black Knight 785,410
Aug 18, 8:53pm Terminator 2 171,927,040
Aug 18, 10:21pm Eight Ball Deluxe 123,030
Aug 18, 10:32pm Galaxy 260,220
Aug 18, 10:59pm Eight Ball Deluxe 356,650
Aug 19, 3:08pm Dragonfist 654,170
Aug 19, 3:28pm Stars 77,640
Aug 19, 3:45pm Cherry Bell 231,000
Aug 19, 4:02pm Evel Knievel 168,520
Aug 19, 4:16pm Stars Entry Voided
Aug 19, 4:25pm Sharp Shooter II 98,260
Aug 19, 4:39pm Stars Entry Voided
Aug 19, 4:51pm Sharp Shooter II 175,100
Aug 19, 5:02pm Stars Entry Voided
Aug 19, 10:41pm Black Knight: Sword of Rage 89,660,330
Aug 19, 11:04pm Fish Tales 18,707,630
Aug 19, 11:26pm Galaxy 342,550
Aug 19, 11:49pm Tag Team 201,970
Aug 19, 11:55pm Eight Ball Deluxe 355,000
Aug 20, 12:02am Dirty Harry 239,475,980