Player #161 - Zachery Ellingson

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Zachery has 2 available entries

Main Best Games
The best 6 games will count toward Zachery's point total
Game Score Points
Eight Ball Deluxe 908,300 76
Star Wars (Pro) 370,143,110 66
Galaxy 387,110 60
Terminator 2 40,924,540 49
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 6,750,630 43
Black Knight: Sword of Rage 23,281,600 38
Iron Maiden 19,788,030 27
Fish Tales 16,381,670 3
Dirty Harry 76,582,620 2
Womens Best Games
The best 4 games will count toward Zachery's point total
Game Score Points
No recorded scores for this division
Classics Best Games
The best 4 games will count toward Zachery's point total
Game Score Points
Stars 145,990 77
Sharp Shooter II 294,790 75
Cherry Bell 615,500 67
Dragonfist 237,010 48
Evel Knievel 72,830 39
All Games
Date/Time Game Score
Aug 18, 7:21pm Dragonfist 154,790
Aug 18, 7:36pm Sharp Shooter II 294,790
Aug 18, 7:42pm Stars 83,520
Aug 18, 7:57pm Evel Knievel 43,220
Aug 18, 8:04pm Cherry Bell 615,500
Aug 18, 8:54pm Evel Knievel 72,830
Aug 18, 9:10pm Dragonfist 144,880
Aug 18, 9:16pm Black Knight: Sword of Rage 3,027,260
Aug 18, 9:49pm Star Wars (Pro) 370,143,110
Aug 18, 10:02pm Star Wars (Pro) Entry Voided
Aug 18, 10:09pm Eight Ball Deluxe 908,300
Aug 18, 10:17pm Dragonfist Entry Voided
Aug 18, 10:37pm Dragonfist Entry Voided
Aug 18, 10:52pm Dragonfist 237,010
Aug 18, 11:08pm Stars 145,990
Aug 18, 11:27pm Fish Tales 16,381,670
Aug 18, 11:33pm Galaxy 387,110
Aug 18, 11:41pm Black Knight: Sword of Rage Entry Voided
Aug 18, 11:48pm Black Knight: Sword of Rage 23,281,600
Aug 19, 1:17pm Dragonfist Entry Voided
Aug 19, 1:24pm Galaxy Entry Voided
Aug 19, 1:29pm Fish Tales Entry Voided
Aug 19, 1:42pm Dirty Harry 76,582,620
Aug 19, 11:00pm Iron Maiden 19,788,030
Aug 19, 11:07pm Galaxy Entry Voided
Aug 19, 11:29pm Terminator 2 40,924,540
Aug 19, 11:43pm Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 4,103,290
Aug 20, 12:03am Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 6,750,630