Player #131 - Shannon Ducharme

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Shannon has 5 available entries

Main Best Games
The best 6 games will count toward Shannon's point total
Game Score Points
Eight Ball Deluxe 1,076,330 84
Star Wars (Pro) 650,137,240 79
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 11,417,510 62
Galaxy 346,690 55
Iron Maiden 78,926,550 50
Black Knight: Sword of Rage 33,649,490 43
Dirty Harry 217,384,790 36
Tag Team 516,580 30
Black Knight 159,030 29
Terminator 2 14,114,750 28
Fish Tales 29,492,400 23
Womens Best Games
The best 4 games will count toward Shannon's point total
Game Score Points
Jurassic Park 233,431,760 95
High Speed 1,416,530 89
Avengers: Infinity Quest 77,506,080 83
Medieval Madness 13,092,880 78
Classics Best Games
The best 4 games will count toward Shannon's point total
Game Score Points
Stars 198,680 83
Evel Knievel 119,860 72
Dragonfist 359,170 65
Cherry Bell 554,000 61
Sharp Shooter II 90,530 31
All Games
Date/Time Game Score
Aug 18, 6:28pm Black Knight 159,030
Aug 18, 6:35pm Medieval Madness 2,985,570
Aug 18, 6:42pm Galaxy 64,040
Aug 18, 6:46pm Sharp Shooter II 90,530
Aug 18, 6:51pm Stars 49,580
Aug 18, 6:56pm Dragonfist 137,000
Aug 18, 7:03pm Cherry Bell 554,000
Aug 18, 7:11pm Evel Knievel 72,980
Aug 18, 7:23pm Jurassic Park 233,431,760
Aug 18, 7:31pm High Speed 640,360
Aug 18, 7:48pm Stars 106,820
Aug 18, 7:57pm Eight Ball Deluxe 221,090
Aug 18, 8:04pm Galaxy 346,690
Aug 18, 8:10pm Black Knight: Sword of Rage 33,649,490
Aug 18, 8:30pm Tag Team Entry Voided
Aug 18, 8:48pm Tag Team 408,320
Aug 18, 9:25pm Dirty Harry 173,299,150
Aug 18, 9:43pm Avengers: Infinity Quest 39,572,790
Aug 18, 9:50pm Dragonfist 159,070
Aug 18, 9:55pm Dragonfist Entry Voided
Aug 18, 10:09pm Cherry Bell Entry Voided
Aug 18, 10:19pm Dragonfist Entry Voided
Aug 18, 10:28pm Dragonfist 248,710
Aug 18, 10:33pm High Speed Entry Voided
Aug 18, 10:37pm High Speed Entry Voided
Aug 18, 10:39pm High Speed Entry Voided
Aug 18, 10:42pm High Speed Entry Voided
Aug 18, 10:48pm Medieval Madness 5,108,380
Aug 18, 10:53pm High Speed Entry Voided
Aug 18, 11:08pm Cherry Bell Entry Voided
Aug 18, 11:22pm Evel Knievel Entry Voided
Aug 18, 11:37pm Stars 198,680
Aug 18, 11:56pm Evel Knievel 83,800
Aug 19, 12:03am Avengers: Infinity Quest 43,851,700
Aug 19, 10:28am Medieval Madness 5,517,110
Aug 19, 10:38am Medieval Madness Entry Voided
Aug 19, 10:48am Medieval Madness Entry Voided
Aug 19, 10:59am Medieval Madness Entry Voided
Aug 19, 11:17am High Speed Entry Voided
Aug 19, 11:22am High Speed 902,040
Aug 19, 11:32am Medieval Madness 13,092,880
Aug 19, 12:02pm Avengers: Infinity Quest 77,506,080
Aug 19, 12:05pm High Speed Entry Voided
Aug 19, 12:11pm High Speed 1,416,530
Aug 19, 12:32pm Medieval Madness Entry Voided
Aug 19, 12:53pm Medieval Madness Entry Voided
Aug 19, 1:02pm Medieval Madness Entry Voided
Aug 19, 1:08pm High Speed Entry Voided
Aug 19, 1:29pm Avengers: Infinity Quest Entry Voided
Aug 19, 1:38pm High Speed Entry Voided
Aug 19, 1:56pm High Speed Entry Voided
Aug 19, 2:04pm Dragonfist 252,150
Aug 19, 2:11pm Dragonfist 359,170
Aug 19, 2:18pm Dragonfist Entry Voided
Aug 19, 2:41pm Evel Knievel 119,860
Aug 19, 2:54pm Stars Entry Voided
Aug 19, 2:57pm Dragonfist Entry Voided
Aug 19, 3:48pm Cherry Bell Entry Voided
Aug 19, 3:51pm Dragonfist Entry Voided
Aug 19, 3:58pm Eight Ball Deluxe Entry Voided
Aug 19, 4:07pm Dragonfist Entry Voided
Aug 19, 4:26pm Eight Ball Deluxe 543,740
Aug 19, 4:38pm Eight Ball Deluxe 1,076,330
Aug 19, 4:41pm Black Knight 134,450
Aug 19, 4:58pm Galaxy Entry Voided
Aug 19, 5:03pm Galaxy Entry Voided
Aug 19, 5:09pm Galaxy Entry Voided
Aug 19, 5:26pm Galaxy Entry Voided
Aug 19, 5:29pm Galaxy Entry Voided
Aug 19, 5:42pm Star Wars (Pro) 650,137,240
Aug 19, 5:49pm Black Knight: Sword of Rage Entry Voided
Aug 19, 5:56pm Black Knight: Sword of Rage Entry Voided
Aug 19, 8:04pm Dirty Harry 217,384,790
Aug 19, 8:18pm Terminator 2 14,114,750
Aug 19, 8:21pm Galaxy Entry Voided
Aug 19, 8:42pm Iron Maiden 78,926,550
Aug 19, 9:01pm Fish Tales 29,492,400
Aug 19, 9:08pm Galaxy Entry Voided
Aug 19, 9:17pm Black Knight: Sword of Rage Entry Voided
Aug 19, 9:23pm Black Knight Entry Voided
Aug 19, 9:40pm Dirty Harry Entry Voided
Aug 19, 9:55pm Tag Team 516,580
Aug 19, 10:01pm Eight Ball Deluxe Entry Voided
Aug 19, 10:07pm Eight Ball Deluxe Entry Voided
Aug 19, 10:30pm Galaxy Entry Voided
Aug 19, 10:58pm Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 11,417,510
Aug 19, 11:24pm Black Knight: Sword of Rage Entry Voided
Aug 19, 11:43pm Tag Team Entry Voided
Aug 19, 11:50pm Eight Ball Deluxe Entry Voided
Aug 19, 11:58pm Eight Ball Deluxe Entry Voided