Stephanie Traub

Round # Game Score Points Total Points
#1 Nine Ball 427,380 2 2
#2 Bow and Arrow 77,250 2 4
#3 Hokus Pokus 85,340 2 6
#4 Hotdoggin 26,610 0 6
#5 The Games 152,040 0 6
#6 Supersonic 63,680 1 7
#7 Arena 3,230,150 3 10
#8 Meteor 123,670 2 12
#9 Flash Gordon 1,278,970 3 15
#10 Skateball 690,050 3 18
#11 Frontier 525,230 3 21
#12 Safari 1,341 0 21
#13 Wizard 42,850 2 23
#14 Space Time 32,720 0 23