Germain Mariolle

Round # Game Score Points Total Points
#1 Jack's Open 89,040 3 3
#2 Medusa 532,630 2 5
#3 Captain Fantastic 64,360 3 8
#4 Jungle Princess 63,470 3 11
#5 Doodle Bug 18,060 1 12
#6 The Games 1,132,210 2 14
#7 Future Spa 125,390 2 16
#8 Bow and Arrow 63,280 0 16
#9 Aladdin's Castle 48,930 2 18
#10 Nine Ball 216,490 3 21
#11 Pinbot 292,070 0 21
#12 Supersonic 210,490 3 24
#13 Meteor 255,230 1 25