Gabe da Silveira

Round # Game Score Points Total Points
#1 Atlantis 21,180 0 0
#2 Supersonic 227,690 1 1
#3 Bow and Arrow 53,840 1 2
#4 Meteor 223,490 3 5
#5 Arena 377,030 2 7
#6 Rock 620,460 1 8
#7 Doodle Bug 20,680 1 9
#8 The Games 1,533,640 3 12
#9 Flash Gordon 1,265,060 2 14
#10 Volley 20,630 0 14
#11 Hokus Pokus 80,730 1 15
#12 Sinbad 226,350 3 18
#13 Space Time 14,560 0 18
#14 Paragon 431,090 2 20